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Host Your Classes on Cloud: Get Benefitted With Cloud Backups!

Cloud backup for education classes.

Technology has been a real boon for all of us. However, it also has some side effects. Although it helps us in keeping various data at one place, it also doesn’t guarantee of those data being safe! Any calamity like a fire or flood or even a few viruses can cause some serious damage to those data. So, it is important to have a strong backup. The funny thing is, here also technology comes for our rescue! With the help of cloud storage, it is now possible to store unlimited files and folders without worrying about them go missing!

Cloud storage is not only a beneficial tool for the various offices but also for several schools and colleges worldwide. They are utilising these cloud-based services for launching their courses online. So, no matter where the students are, they can use such platforms to learn and share! Also, the teachers can now conducts classes from any corner of the world!

What Teachers Said About Cloud

Let us now see some of the advantages of cloud backup for the various educational institutions:

  • As a teacher, if you wish to keep a tab on your students’ performance, you can simply log onto the device from any location. Also, there isn’t any fixed timing for viewing the registration details, class catalogues, etc. Students can even browse through the web pages and download the resources which have been provided to them by their teachers.
  • Cloud storage helps the schools to save a lot of money. There is no need for the schools to install or download any kind of software and hardware for using the cloud-based system for the classes. With the help of emailing services, the teachers can now send across the notes to the students. Here, they do not even need to get any kind of license or pay a lump sum amount to any person who will manage the in-house email server, and the cost is saved!
  • Cloud-based systems for the educational institutions are highly automated. The whole administrative work of a school or a college can be automated with the help of cloud storage. No manual intervention is required and managing tasks becomes easier than ever before!
  • Now, with the help of cloud backup for schoolsand colleges, the educational institutions can save more data. Computer systems are unable to store the amount of data which can be easily stored in the clouds. There is no need of installing any kind of storage device in the offices and also, the backups are provided by the service providers which lets the teachers focus solely on their core businesses!
  • Cloud backup system now enables the student to have an access over all their curricular information and data from any place in the whole world! Even if they are on leave and they suddenly need to know something important regarding their course, they can simply log onto the cloud storage and have a look at the same. Those who are connected to the network are always in touch with each other.

Cloud Backup is a Great Option for Students: Here’s Why!

In your office, you have many important data and documents. Even the job of a teacher isn’t about just teaching and he/she has to keep a tab on a lot of data related to courses, student performances, etc. So, how many times have you tried emailing the files to yourself to keep a backup of the same? How many times have you worried about getting those important files corrupted or missing? It might happen on a regular basis, and now, with the help of cloud computing, things have become a lot easier. So, if you haven’t yet thought about incorporating cloud in your school, now is the time to do so.

Nowadays, with the help of cloud technology, virtual training has gained much attention. It has even become a lot popular in a number of schools and colleges worldwide. These educational institutions are adopting cloud based tools for its administrative as well as operative purposes and this has saved them a lot of money as well. Also, it’s a great initiative for the students. So, let us now see how cloud-based school backup is beneficial for the learners.

Flexible Learning Process: The very first thing which can be enjoyed by the students with the help of cloud backup system is the convenience. The class schedules can be really flexible and the sharing of notes becomes a lot easier. With virtual learning procedures, the students can now carry on with their studies from any part of the world. Also, no matter what the time of day, morning or night, the learners can easily schedule their class according to their feasibility.

Instant Access to Class Notes: With the help of cloud based classrooms, the students now have access to all the study materials given to them by the instructors. The class materials are all updated on the server on a regular basis. Also, the students can easily collect and store all notes online. Therefore there is no risk of losing course material or notes, or having difficulty accessing them at any point.

Advanced Student Interactions: When the students get to interact with their peers, they get to exchange knowledge. This allows them to prepare well for the tests in a much better manner. Virtual leaning helps the learner to create study groups and discuss different issues with the co-learners.

Engaging Learning Sessions: The virtual medium can create highly engaging learning sessions for the learners. With the help of some powerful multimedia tools, the online courses have become a lot interesting. With the help of videos, the students can participate in several face-to-face interactive sessions with their tutors. Also, the PowerPoint slides can be a great source of learning for the students with the help of cloud.

Updated Resources: Keeping track of the students’ performances has now become easier. With the help of the online tools, the reports and resources are updated on a regular basis.

Why is Cloud Backup for Schools so Essential?

Essential cloud backup for schools

Every day, in every single sector of work, many gigabytes of data get created. While much of this becomes insignificant after a point of time, a considerable amount of data needs to be backed up, saved and managed. The importance of data backup has been realised for some time now and this has led to the rise in the popularity of the cloud solutions. Today, even the educational institutions realise the importance of data back-up. Previously the IT department of a school was enough to manage data. The rest was taken care of manually by both the faculty and the students. However, the scenario has now changedand the loss of vital information leads to obstacles in the operation of an institution. Consequently, schools and colleges are now going for cloud solutions to ensure smooth and hassle-free data backup.

Cloud storage is one of the most trusted data backup services today. Research reveals that more than 800 business decision makers and users worldwide have adopted cloud. Also, it is predicted that by 2017, public cloud services market will exceed $244 billion. In spite of such convincing statistics, many are still apprehensive about whether to go for cloud backup for schools or not. Here, know in details about how cloud services are meant to enhance the efficacy of your organisation’s daily operations.


To begin with, cloud solutions that are meant for small organisations are quite affordable. So, if you are planning to get cloud services for your school, rest assured that the costs will not exceed the budgetary limits set by the IT department. You don’t need to shell out a capital expenditure to store your data on the cloud.

24/7 Access

The best thing about online data backup is that it allows access anytime and anywhere. You don’t need to be present at the office or move around with a laptop to recover an important file. An internet connection and a computer will be all you need to recover data.

No Threats of Data Destruction

When you keep your data off-site, it is always prone to loss or destruction caused by theft or natural calamities. With the data being stored on the cloud, there is absolutely no chance of any of these. Your data will stay safe and accessible no matter what is going on at the office.

Time Saving

This is another great advantage of cloud data backup. With just a few clicks, you can save all your data and in exactly the way you want it to be saved. Maintaining stacks of files manually and segregating them under categories takes a lot of time and effort. Cloud storage makes sure that this effort goes into other essential tasks. With cloud data backup solutions for schools, operational effectiveness improves and so does the level of excellence, which is so crucial for educational institutions.

Three Reasons Why School Data Backup Solution is a Must

Backing up and restoring the data that is generated on a day-to-day basis is essential for the education sector too. That is why, today, schools, colleges and other educational institutions are going for School data backup solutions offered by reputed service providers. However, if you have been planning to back up your school data on the cloud but have felt apprehensive about the costs and other consequences, it is time you relax. Data storage companies help you in more than one ways when it comes to ensuring the security and management of the entire data. So, why is professional data backup solution so necessary? Read the following reasons in details.

Security Comes First

If you are successful in choosing a trusted provider, rest assured that the cloud experts will go a long way in meeting strict security compliance standards. Alongside this, they will keep conducting periodic audits to make sure that the solid infrastructure stays compliant throughout. We understand that just saying that your data will be safe on the cloud is not enough. So, how is this security established? Well, all data is encrypted before being sent to the servers maintained by the cloud data storage provider. The data is encrypted during transmission to prevent it from getting intercepted. Users create encryption passwords that they can use to decrypt the data and download it securely from the server. Since the data is not stored on any external device, there is no chance of the data being affected by natural disasters or theft.

Reliability Follows

Entrusting a good service provider with the responsibility of handling your data offers you with the much-desired peace of mind. Cloud experts make use of an automated backup process, eliminating any chances of human error whatsoever. Consequently, you no longer have to worry over the loss your data and its consequences

Future-Proof Technology

When you store your data offline, you often suffer from the problem of restricted storage space. However, purchasing additional external storage devices such as external USB hard drivesis not practical in terms of security or budgeting. With cloud storage solutions, this is never a problem. The data backup solutions are usually scalable, which means that the user is not restricted to a certain amount of space. Even if you have agreed upon a particular storage space at the time of subscription, space can be increased or decreased as and when the requirements change. Additionally, multiple servers and the use of underground vaults for storing data lead to a robust infrastructure.

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, there are several reasons to go for cloud solutions. As opposed to the dominant belief, online data backup actually costs less than offline IT infrastructure. Also, the benefits in return are incomparable.

Choosing the Best Professional Cloud Backup Plan for Schools

Best cloud backup for schools

If you are running a business and are constantly worried about the safety of your company’s data, Cloud backup is the solution. It is an integrated storing system that keeps important data absolutely safe from getting lost or misplaced. Even in the various schools these days, the cloud has become an inseparable part of the administration model. It has helped in making the whole process of teaching and learning a much easier one. However, while choosing a cloud backup plan for your school, how will you know which is the best plan you can avail?

There are many aspects that you need to consider in order to be absolutely satisfied with a cloud plan before using it. Read below to get a detailed idea of what to look for while selecting a cloud service for your educational institution.


The most vital aspect to look at while choosing the cloud backup for schools is the strength of the security. It is important to protect the data of the school as well as your identity and a professional backup service will provide you with this in the most expert way. However, the more proficient the service is, the more secure their backup plans will be. Security is undeniably one of the biggest concerns for all the cloud users. So, when you start searching for your backup plan, always try to look for the ones that manage everything, including the customer service requests in a professional and timely manner.


If you have too many resources to be protected, you will have to hire a professional cloud backup service provider. The free online cloud plans will only let you keep a limited number of files. So, once you start searching for a cloud provider, you will have to start thinking about pricing. However, just because you are searching for a professional cloud backup provider doesn’t mean that you will have to pay an exorbitant amount. Start looking for a service provider who has different pricing for different backup plans. This way, you will be able to pay for the ones that your school really needs. There’s absolutely no point paying a lump sum amount every month even if you are not using all the backup services. So, always try and seek out a backup plan that is tailored to your needs.


What exactly are your backup requirements? When you will know how you will make use of the cloud, you will be able to better decide on how much space you will need. Different cloud backup plans will offer you with different space usage as per your requirements. So, once you have properly decided upon the total space you will require, you can ask for the same from the professional cloud plan provider.

Keeping in mind the above mentioned points, this will ensure that you are using the right amount of space at the most appropriate pricing and that too by maintaining the absolute security of all your important school-related information and data.

Why is cloud backup for schools so important and how do you pick a provider?

Digital data has become integral to parts of all our lives, with data security absolutely paramount; likewise, it is imperative that educational establishments give due consideration to where their data is stored. Here we outline some key benefits and some questions to pose to potential suppliers to ensure your decision-making process is as painless as possible.

Most schools are now living with technology as a given in their day-to-day operations. From students’ work to facilitating teachers’ email to hours of classroom preparation, all data needs to be stored somewhere and this storage needs to be safe. Data loss is a problem no one wants to see, especially when hours of work might be at stake, not to mention exam grades.

Cloud storage has boomed for schools and has become one of the most trusted places for data backup; indeed, public sector cloud is expected to take up over half of storage spending growth worldwide by 2018. Cloud storage providers take your data, deliver automatic backup, and ensure the quick restoration of previously backed-up data; however, concerns still remain over its effectiveness, efficiency and usage.

Cost effectiveness

Cloud storage expenditure comes under operating expenditure rather than capital expenditure. This can make it massively more efficient and is a great benefit for finance teams and IT teams alike. It can free up capital expenditure for other larger projects that might be more vital to the running of the school and means IT budget negotiations are easier and quicker.

24/7 availability

No longer does an IT manager need to be present on site in the instance of backup issues. They simply need to have a laptop and an internet connection, wherever they are, and can work on solving any issues that arise.

Data safety

Off-site data storage is always at risk of destruction, which might be the result of theft or natural disaster. Is this a risk you are willing to take? Data stored in the cloud does not hold the same risk. It remains safe and accessible, letting you to breathe a sigh of relief and enables you to focus on projects that might really make a difference to your school and the way it operates.


If you are sick of maintaining massive stack of files, cloud storage backup is the answer. A few clicks ensure your data is saved exactly the way you want it to be. Your IT team is free to focus on development or other important tasks while not being tied up in storage issues. What’s not to like?

If you are sold on the benefits, you are still likely to have some questions. Here we outline a quick checklist of ten questions that will help you to identify which of the providers on your radar is a good fit for your requirements:

  1. What is the frequency of data backup?
  2. Is there a clear data recovery process?
  3. Where is data ownership kept?
  4. What privacy protection is in place?
  5. Who has data access?
  6. What is their personal information sharing policy?
  7. What steps are taken to ensure information security?
  8. How is encryption used and in what form?
  9. How reliable is the provider’s system and what are its failover guarantees?
  10. What are its service level agreements?

Moving your backup to the cloud can seem like a daunting prospect, especially if pupils’ valuable work and teachers’ hard-earned hours are at stake. There are so many benefits, and yet so many considerations. As with any decision-making process, the ultimate question is whether cloud backup for your school is appropriate and necessary. Consider the benefits we have outlined, ask the questions we have proposed, and the decision will be child’s play!

Why Educational Institutes Need Cloud Backup Solutions

It is interesting to know that students, educational institutions and faculty members feel that today education is incomplete without the use of desktops, laptops and tablets. If these gadgets are a necessity for students to perform better, then you would also need additional storage devices. These storage devices are essential to keep educational material safe in one place so that students can browse through them easily. The traditional storage devices are prone to several risks and threats; the fundamental threat being a device crash that would lead to complete loss of data. In order to stay away from these issues it is important to rely on cloud backup. This however, is an alternate option, as it is a safer zone where information can be kept carefully secured.

As we all know, not just students but even educational institutions have certain vital information that need to be kept secured. When talking about security, cloud backupis considered to be the safest option where the data is well encrypted. In case you are in two minds whether school backup is essential, let us tell you how important it is in your educational institute.

Easy Accessibility

To have access to data which is available in an external storage implies that you need to access it physically. This can be quite problematic in terms of sharing it with fellow colleagues in their absence. With the help of cloud backup, availing data becomes simpler as it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.

Improved Reliability

Cloud backup is a lot more reliable than the traditional storage devices. These are effective but in case of a system crash, the chance of losing thedata completely isvery high. Therefore, it is important to rely on cloud storage because the data is safe there.

Smooth File Sharing

With the help of cloud sharing notes, class lectures, presentations and sample test papers become easier for students to access. This is important because it makes the entire process of educating the young minds simpler.

Automatic Backups

Cloud backup ensures that you don’t have to make manual backups to keep your files and data updated. On the contrary, you can be rest assured that the automatic backups are taking place to ensure that your data is kept safe.

Comprehensive Data Storage

Data storage systems with the help of the cloud can be considered to be comprehensive data storage solutions for students and faculty members. Such solutions also make the functionality and working of educational institutes easier.

Educational institutes always feel the need to expand and broaden their horizons and the best way to achieve that is with the help of school backup systems. The backup plans are the best way to manage the huge information load easily and that in turn enhances the functionalities of the schools and colleges as well.

Your Halloween data loss horror stories

Happy Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, we thought it was time for scariest type of surprise there is… data loss horror stories! We asked around the internet, in forums and on social media, for your worst data losses. Here’s what we found. Lock your doors and read on…

Enough to make a grown man cry…

We all know that data losses can have just a particularly devastating effect on businesses as the amount of data involved is often much larger than with individuals’ data losses. For small, local businesses, a huge data loss can even threaten their entire business’ survival.

“Data loss was responsible for the first time I saw a grown man cry,” Twitter user Jon told us. “I was a service engineer and had to tell a small business owner that his hard drive was dead.

“He lost all his accounts data going back forever.”

Stubbornness can be costly for business – very, very costly

“I’ve seen a business owner refuse to spend any money at all on a backup solution and lose 10+ years of data,” an IT professional and tech forum moderator told us. “And I see at least one post like that a week, if not more.”

Another user on a tech forum described a ‘sphincter-tightening experience’ in which he thought he had lost years’ worth of a client’s sales data after a computer malfunction. Luckily he had a backup, and was able to restore almost all of the data, only having to manually re-enter the last few months’ worth.

Many businesses have commercially sensitive data, such as information about their customers, products, or processes, that if lost and not backed up could have devastating effects for both company and customer. A significant data loss can set a business back by several years in its development.

But it can be just as devastating for personal data 

“I had a 1TB external hard drive full of all my photos and other irreplaceable stuff and it got corrupted,” a Reddit user confessed to us. “I couldn’t recover everything so I lost all of my files.”

Your personal data can contain priceless memories that don’t exist anywhere else – meaning that without a backup, once they’re gone they’re gone forever. Is it worth taking that risk?

So, what can we learn from these horror stories? One thing is clear: ensuring you have a reliable backup of your data is absolutely essential in order to avoid risking your business’ survival or your school project. No wonder that, according to a recent survey by Advanced, a software company, four out of five business owners are considering using cloud backup data storage.

Make sure you don’t join the list of victims this Halloween…get in touch today to get your data safely backed up.

The Importance of Cloud Data Backup & Storage

Cloud data backup importance

Why Do You Need Cloud Data Backup & Storage?

Cloud data storage is becoming more popular in all professional environments. As a nation, and in-fact a country we are producing more digital data than ever before. With this unparalleled growth it is unsustainable to continue to store data in tangible objects.

Many businesses, charities and educational institutions now utilise secure offsite data storage, becoming more efficient in the process. With an increased market shift to “the cloud”, there is a new wave of concern surrounding the security of data online. Online data security is even more relevant following the recent activation of the GDPR regulations. Find out more about GDPR and Cloud Data Storage.

UK-based Cloud Backup

You can sleep soundly at night, knowing your data is stored securely on our own servers. We own all our servers meaning your files, photos and data are not shared with any third parties or other businesses. Storage is split across our two data-centres located in London and also Bournemouth where your data is replicated and stored separately. Services are available for Single User Backup or Business Backup depending on the nature of your requirements.

Encrypted Data Storage

To increase the level of protection you receive, all stored data on servers is encrypted as standard. Data you backup with Safe Data Storage remains only yours and can only be accessed by you.

From the point of initial collection at your PC terminal or other device, data is covered by an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Following this, any connection between you and the server to access files and data is covered using a SSL 129-bit channel.

What this really means is that your data, what ever this may be, is converted into a randomised selection of numbers, letters and symbols. Without access to an encryption key, to unlock the data it remains useless and unreadable.

Backup & Restore

One of the most important features of cloud data storage and data recovery software is knowing you can avoid disastrous data loss. Across our servers files are stored in multiple isolated locations for prevention from complete data loss. Regardless of your industry or skill, no longer having the ability to access customer, sales and other forms of data could have a hugely detrimental impact on the service you are able to offer. Additionally, subsequent data loss from unsecured storage could pose significant ramifications under GDPR regulations.

It can be incredibly easy to delete the wrong file or press something you shouldn’t have. With fully backed up data you need not worry, your files can simply be restored within minutes – even for the less tech savvy among us. No loss, no wasted work, just peace of mind your data is in safe hands.

If you would like to receive more information about being able to backup on cloud systems and restore your commercial and sensitive data, or simply want to know the best service for your needs, get in touch with a member of our team.