UK BASED CLOUD BACKUP Secure . Fully Managed . UK Telephone Support

Introducing our new Reseller Portal


It’s here and ready to be used!

We have taken onboard all of your feedback over the years and have worked behind the scenes to upgrade our systems for you, we’ve re-developed our backend services and added a fresh new user interface. We are proud to present a fully encompassing, quick and detailed portal where you can keep track of tasks, in real time. Immerse yourself into a world of statistics, graphs and simple yet effective additions right at your finger tips.

Concerned with speed? We understand that time is a vital asset to your business and it shouldn’t be wasted through loading pages. Find what you need, when you need it, as often as you like. We’ve ensured a tight process, creating a seamless transition and so that it drastically reduces your management time. We’ve created complete unity through our multi-tiered portal, allowing the sole administrator the ability to create a matrix of resellers for both reseller and client accounts. Each of which will gain a custom panel to service their customers or for you to service yours and all of the statistics you need will be right in front you.

Each set of statistics are neatly summarised into graphical representations for your entire client base, at a glance, you’ll be up to date with a real time status report that is there to ensure your smooth operation. We’ve provided a few video tutorials, available on our YouTube Channel in its own dedicated series. They’ll run through the key aspects of the panel and the ability to filter such statistics like, error type, successful completion and overall number of running backups. 

Unlike before, there’s a quick search function…and we mean quick! This is coupled with a significant addition of a save search function, allowing you track your recent queries and monitor your progress through a particular task. Aiding task efficiency, permitting a direct find of what you’re looking for within a matter of minutes. 


We’ve also given you the capability to directly edit the backup sets from within the portal with the exact same modification settings as you’re used to seeing on the client machines. Whether you’re on the go or simply switching between machines, you’re able to modify the set without a need to be there locally or via a streamed session. If you’d prefer a visual representation, click here

Another useful feature for keeping on top of problem backups sets through the personalisation of your own watchlist. Unsure if a particular backup set will be completed successfully? Want to provide a personalised service for a new customer? Add them to the watchlist and keep a close eye on them at a glance. The watchlist can be expanded into a more detailed list with specific reports. This can be viewed within our YouTube panel series here.

Prioritise such backup sets for each customer depending on the data importance and relevance to a successful completion. An accounts department may require a daily alert if a backup has incurred an error or become unsuccessful, as the potential loss could result in a failure to comply with relevant audits. Alternatively, certain machines might not be on and cause multiple reoccurring failures that are not to be concerned with. These priorities are expanded upon further on screen here. You now have the ability to remotely start a backup from the panel like you would from the local machine or you can create an entire backup set, selecting the specific data files and backing them up.

Finally, we’ve simplified the summary reports for those occasions where you may not have enough time to read through the attached log. It can become time consuming, so the simplified report summarises the key aspects of your larger attachment and will allow you to highlight any areas and cross reference these if necessary.

These are just a few of the many enhancements to our service, there are many more. If you’d like further information or interested in booking a remote walkthrough session with our support team, please contact us on 01689 661030 or

Why Partnership With Cloud Reseller is Beneficial?

Consumerism seems to be groping the world with all its strength, so much so that you can hardly ignore it. Keeping this factor in mind, one thing gets very clear and that is business houses are expanding and it will continue to do so. Hence, the need for cloud computing will also be on the rise and the countdown for that has already begun. As far as the traditional cloud resellers are concerned, they have two choices but if they do not opt for any of it, then the chances are high that they might end up losing their business. The two choices are either partner with MSPs so that you can help in expanding their services or create a cloud network. Out of these two choices, partnering with re-sellers proves to be a lot more beneficial. What are they? Let’s find out:

Efficient Operations

The best thing about MSPs is the fact that when it comes to the IT operations they offer the lowest possible TCO. As experts in cloud computing, the MSP will have their full focus on the premium skill for the business of any cloud based applications. Along with all this, the focus will be also on enhanced application of functional support, data analytics and integration.

Skilled Cloud Deployments

The basic job of MSPs is to deal with extremely complex application deployments that have the functionality to run in various cloud environments across several geographies. MSPs have the ability to foresee the complexities of what clicks and what does not. Clients should not underestimate the advantages to leverage the knowledge base, because that is the information an MSP has gathered with their years of experience.


It is very clear to professional MSPs that it is not possible for one size to fit into all cloud deployments. The primary reason for that being, certain level of customization and service integration is required. It might interest you that MSPs are thorough professionals at mass customization and are expected to customise all the components of deployment. Along with this, they offer comprehensive range of professional services in order to support the same.

Single Point of Contact

MSPs are considered to be the single point of contact so that all the complexes associated with business flows smoothly irrespective of the kind of services that is being used. The needful support is delivered by the global support team that is equipped to support and serve your business needs.

Simplified Billing Process

Cloud resellers for years have been using the similar recurring business model. The reason being, they understand the benefits and the predictability of clients.

Hopefully, the picture is quite clear for all the major business houses as to why partnership with a cloud reseller proves to be beneficial.

Capitalise On the Rapidly Growing Cloud Computing Industry by Becoming a Cloud Reseller

Cloud computing is flourishing at a rapid rate and working as a reseller is a good way to capitalise on this fast growing field. As a cloud reseller you can be highly benefited by buying online data backup and server disaster recovery solutions from us and reselling them to your customer base keeping your profit margin. There is also scope for you to be a valued added reseller (VAR) to complement or combine cloud products or services with some added value or functionality to leverage the value of software products.

Now take a look at how you are going to be benefited by working as a reseller:

No money in building infrastructure: Becoming a reseller, you are saved from the up-front investment; you do not need to spend money in developing your own infrastructure, instead, you can earn recurring revenue as you provide cloud computing services to your clients. Reselling gives you the opportunity to expand your product line.

Recurring monthly revenue: Cloud computing is flourishing at a rapid pace and it has got huge prospects. Taking this opportunity, you can earn monthly revenue by working as a reseller. As a cloud reseller, you can provide cloud services to all of your clients without spending anything on developing your own infrastructure. Providing your clients a secure and reliable data backup service, you will enjoy recurring revenue as long as your clients use the service.

Broaden your product range: As you work as a cloud computing reseller, you can widen your product line and business horizon; you can migrate to hosted cloud solutions from on-premise IT solutions. You will get every support, from cloud infrastructure to online backup to software licensing to business continuity.

A big advantage of working as a reseller is that you are free to customise. Working as a reseller with us, you are free to invoice your client at a price chosen by you. Working as a reseller means adding an important service to your portfolio. Thus it will help your to retain your clients and stop them from going to some other place. Therefore, working as a reseller you do not lose anything but win a great deal in retaining your customers and in strengthening your bond with your clients.

Automating the mundane task for you and your clients with on line data backups, you will be in peace of mind.

A “correct” backup is essential for every all businesses these days; you need to provide a backup which is easy and not prone to error. Since most of the small and medium companies are still using the poor, “unstructured” backup methodologies, there is big scope for cloud storage and backup to meet the demands. It is reliable, convenient, affordable and easily restorable. As a reseller, you can enjoy a better position than others to sell cloud backup and storage to your customers. Therefore, it is high time for you to work as a cloud reseller and benefit from it by providing your customers a much more secure, efficient and reliable online backup.

Cloud Reseller – Important Facts that they Need to Remember

There have been ample opportunities to resell hardware as well as software as more and more companies have started adopting cloud bases systems. There are several processes involved and a few important factors as well that cloud re-sellers need to remember.

Software Resale – Software resale consists of big chunk of VAR cash flow. However, several cloud vendors adopted a comprehensive consumerized sales approach. This approach emphasizes a lot on the simplistic purchasing and selling processes directed to customers. Without the proper hardware set-up along with ancillary services, local resellers have become less important. With time resale opportunities will decline but however, new opportunities will rise.

Hardware Resale – The hardware resale opportunities will also see a decline. Ever since the cloud based systems, the servers are not installed on-premises anymore. This implies that the revenue generated from this would eventually vanish off. Desktop computer sales also become less and at very random and far off frequencies. Since cloud based systems need less memory as well as processing power when compared to the on-premises ones. This implies that the desktop will need less frequent replacement and would automatically get sold at lower prices.

Installation Services – The installation services have become less relevant. Cloud based systems does not require any software installation, therefore this opportunity will cease to exist in cloud computing. There would be still a few installation services like desktop installation systems or even the installation of a new network that would still be in demand. However, the gradual trend indicates that the VARs (Value Added Resellers) would need to move away to make for other opportunities for this type of service.

Integration Services – There will be a decline in the integration services but it is a very gradual process of decline. Cloud based systems need lesser points of integration. However, they provide better control on the way customizations can affect the process of integration. This implies that cloud based apps will get easier to integrate when compared to the on-premises systems. This does not imply that the integration of cloud based systems is easy, but hopefully, that will be so in due course of time.

Training Services – The training services will see a gradual change. It is known that the user interface of a cloud-based system is easier to use, therefore it requires less training. In case of on-premises systems that have more complex UIs, it is important for the companies to provide training services from a local advisor. However, new cloud based systems have an ease because of which the training from a local advisor will no longer be needed. But still, there is scope for sophisticated training in order to keep a hold on the revenue.

Hopefully, cloud resellers would remember the points mentioned and work things out in their favour.

Generate Revenue by Capitalising On the Fast Growing Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

As re-seller you can take the best advantage of cloud computing and make the provision of earning a recurring revenue. Buy it from a provider and resell online data backup solutions and server disaster recovery solutions to your customer base keeping your profit margin. Being a cloud re-seller you will be enabled to offer cloud backup services to your clients and what more, you do not have to make large capital expenditure related to building and maintaining an infrastructure of your own. The growth in cloud computing offers you the opportunity to earn recurring revenue as a re-seller. Being a part of the programme you will be able to provide cloud services to you clients and that to without incurring any added cost of developing your own intensive infrastructure.

Working as a cloud reseller with us at Safe Data Storage, you and your clients both will be benefited immensely as it will let you automate all mundane tasks so that you can be in peace of mind regarding the data backup issue. Apart from generating recurring revenue for you, it will strengthen your bond with your clients. You do not have any financial targets or outlay to achieve. If you are into reselling IT products and services, then you are in a better position to work as a cloud reseller. It is a fact that many companies understand the benefits of switching over to online backup and they are taking the steps accordingly. But a large number of small and medium sized companies are still there who are still sticking to the poor and unconstructed backup methodology. As a reseller you have a great potential to focus on this customer segment and provide these clients with cloud backup solution – the more secure, more efficient and more reliable online backup. Cloud industry is growing rapidly and it’s ideal time to make profits and get benefits by working as a cloud reseller.

As you work with Safe Data Storage, you will be provided with our infrastructure and technical expertise. Not only earning recurring revenue, but you will be highly benefited in retaining your customers and winning their confidence. We are a UK company and our services are white labelled. Working with us you do not have to worry about your brand, you are free to customise to convey your brand. Moreover, you have the choice of invoicing your client at your own price. As we do not provide any other services, you can be assured that you will never lose your hardware/software sales. As long as your clients use the online data backup service, you will continue earning recurring revenue. For every business today, a secure, reliable and dependable daily data backup is essential and it is going to be added as an important service to portfolio and help significantly to retain your clients.

Cloud Reseller? Generate cash while the cloud is booming!

Cloud computing is the flavour of the season and going by its current trend, this strategy adopted by small, medium and big business houses is not stopping any time soon. Going by the recent stats, it is expected that by 2018 the cloud computing market will cross approximately $127 billion. This indicates a huge opportunity for cloud re-sellers to make the most of this opportunity. However, they need to have the right resources as well as appropriate skills to bank upon this trend.

If you wish to be a successful cloud reseller with the sole interest to make the most of this opportunity and set the revenue bells ringing, then remember to follow these tips.

Create Lasting Connections – The concept of creating lasting relationships is primarily to gain the trust of customers. This can be done by providing them quality services in terms of comprehensive solutions. The better the solutions you offer, the happier the clients will be and will keep coming back to you for more. The only way to make sure of this is by selling effective and highly functional cloud products those can solve problems or fix issues. The other major attraction of this offer is every time clients renew their cloud subscription, it gives you the chance to assess the plan. You also have the scope to propose for better deals or upgrade the existing offers. This in turn increases your profit share.

Establish Compelling Bundles – Small business houses are relying on cloud resellers the most in order to receive comprehensive end to end solution packages. It is important for resellers to shift beyond just providing products and services to offering packages where solutions are customised. If resellers wish to taste success, then it is important for them to be adaptable to this change. This adaptability implies balancing between traditional software and hardware products along with latest technology. These packages need to be framed, keeping in mind the distinct business goals.

Cash in on the Business Continuity – Data is the basic lifeline of all business houses. Without the help of adequate data, business functions and operations will come to a standstill. This is the reason for cloud resellers to make the most of this opportunity. They bank upon this trend by offering customised solutions that come in the form of products and services. Cloud resellers have an important role to play in order to make sure that the business continuity is not disrupted.

In the era where cloud computing is ruling the roost, cloud resellers need to focus on creating long lasting relations with customers based on trust and efficiency. Establishing relationships is not enough, they also need to work out new strategies of offering solution to clients. These strategies need to be the perfect mix between traditional IT solutions along with latest cloud based technologies.

Success Tips Cloud Re-sellers Must Always Follow

Re-sellers have an important task of providing one of the most effective cloud backup solutions to businesses. One of the fundamental aspects that all businesses need to keep in mind is the fact their official data needs to be kept safe and confidential. Several virus attacks or threats from hackers should not be able to break the security system and get the data. This is the main concern of professionals and that is the major reason they depend on cloud re-sellers the most. It is the professional responsibility of cloud re-sellers to provide solutions that can prevent malware from attacking the cloud to retrieve data.

Technology is constantly upgrading itself and that is the major reason for businesses to have backup solutions that are effective. It is natural that a cloud reseller would want to taste success and they need to work hard towards it. However, just hard work is not good enough, it is equally important that you keep in mind a few other important factors. Let us take a close look at some of the other important factors that re-sellers need to keep in mind as well.

Filter Your Target Market

When planning to sell cloud storage, it is important to understand your target market and brand yourself accordingly. Keep your focus on your target market because they are the people responsible for increasing your sales. In such cases, it is best to have your focus on businesses because they rely on cloud backup.

Assess Your Product Carefully

When you are planning to sell cloud backup to potential customers, you need to know your product well. Understanding your cloud backup solutions and assessing them well is important so that you can highlight the appropriate information. It is natural that clients will ask you innumerable questions before calling you on board. Having immediate and quick replies is the best way to create the right impression and sell cloud storage.

Gather Client Testimonials

Most buyers focus on strong references from previous buyers. This is the major reason for you to gather testimonials from previous clients after the deal is secured. This is a great way to increase your brand value and target bigger clients in the future toexpand your professional domain. Client testimonials improve your stature in the professional domain and in turn push you towards professional growth. So make sure you collect their feedback and value them at the same time.

Learn More about Technology

Technology is constantly changing and upgrading. As professionals you can make the most of this technological innovation and give your clients the best solutions of cloud backup available. It is important to learn fast and adapt to the latest trends in technology. Remember to be quick, sharp and absorb these changes and give your clients the best solutions so that they keep coming back to you for more.

Success is never a destination but the journey itself. This is the major reason you need to keep learning something new about technology, keep gathering great feedback from previous clients and push the envelope further to do something bigger and better.

Traits to Find in a Successful Cloud Re-seller

Entrepreneurs running their own businesses understand the importance of striking the best partnership with cloud re-sellers. When resellers & organisations come together for the common interest of doing great work and the best thing is both parties have their mutual benefit. In order to have great professional partnerships, it is important that you understand the processes and aims of each other. The zeal to do good work, and the strong passion to benefit one another should always be there. In fact, this strong passion is the secret behind a successful professional partnership.

For any entrepreneur looking for an efficient and professional cloud storage provider to strike the best partnership with, make sure you look for these traits in them. Traits in cloud storage re-sellers are probably the best way to judge their efficiency and understand their potential.

Executive Leadership

Successful re-sellers are an important part of the cloud model. They realise that the old school approach of IT purchasing has undergone a gradual change. The best have adapted to this change and become the executive leaders of the modern cloud storage structure. The need to emerge as leaders helped them to bring technology in the forefront and make work life easier.

Customer Relationship

It is important for entrepreneurs to judge the existing relationships cloud re-sellers share with their customers. It is also important to check feedback of clients who have worked with those cloud re-sellers. Sample a collection of feedback for better clarity. If you are interested in one of our cloud data backup re-sellers, why not get in touch to ask us about them?


Mutual trust is extremely important if you wish to strike a long-term professional relationship. It is essential to a successful working partnership that you can understand their working style and adapt or integrate it into your working process. This adjustment will help both parties. But trust is the basic element that you need to have to work well together.

Mutual Benefit

Partnership between a company and any cloud re-seller must always be a two-way process ensuring that there is a mutual benefit shared on both sides. So make sure that your partnership terms and conditions are clear from the beginning and that is what your cloud re-seller should also have in mind. Mutual benefit will only better your chances in the work front.

Integrated Approach

Partners coming together need to understand the good difference they are bringing together. They need to have a strong and valuable integration that will largely benefit clients and consumers. Cloud solution is never a single product and that is the major reason for cloud re-sellers to look for an integrated approach.

Forging the right partnership with a professional and reliable cloud data storage re-seller can accelerate your business achievements to new levels. It is essential you understand exactly what your provider will require from you and exactly what you will expect from them. If you have any more questions regarding how best to choose your cloud data storage and backup provider, feel free to contact a member of our team for help.

6 Factors to Help You Choose the Right Cloud Partner in the UK


Branding is immensely important in building, sustaining and growing a business, so having to share the spotlight with another firm is not ideal. When working with a Partner, you will want to be able to put your own personal stamp on any of the products and platforms that you ultimately offer to your client base.

Ideally, you will want access to white-labelled services which are not explicitly tied to the provider but can instead be fully customised and kitted out with whatever branding you feel is appropriate. This will allow you to use your firm’s logo on the sign-up and log-in screens, reinforcing its impact every time that clients visit.


While it may be tempting to opt to work with a cloud reseller that operates internationally and can thus offer the cheapest possible prices for things like backup and storage solutions, this can lead to issues. Legal and regulatory restrictions may prevent clients in your industry from storing data overseas, so the location of the facilities which a partner operates should be relevant in the decision-making process.

Look out for partners that are not only based domestically but also operate all of their hardware on home turf rather than choosing to outsource this to facilities on foreign soil. This will help to avoid any complications further down the line, since the location of data is relevant in industries such as health care and finance.

Trial Offers

Coaxing clients into committing to the services can be taxing, especially if they are required to make any kind of upfront payment or sign up to a fixed contract. This makes it important to choose partners that allow you to provide free trials to clients with no obligations attached.

This approach is effective in the enterprise and consumer markets alike, giving people 30 days to experiment with a service from a cloud reseller in the UK before they decide whether or not it is a good fit for their needs.

The best IT reseller will be able to offer you an unlimited number of trials which can be passed on to clients, allowing as many as possible to sign up from your current and prospective stable of customers. This is not only a good way of attracting new clients but also of retaining existing ones and preventing them from switching to rival services.

Affordable Pricing

The cloud is such an appealing prospect for businesses because, unlike traditional IT, it is not something which requires upfront investment. Instead, it is possible to work with partners and gain access to the data centre resources that they offer immediately, with no initial outlay for hardware, premises or staff to worry about.

If steep upfront costs are off the table, then the partner in question will represent a good prospect for any business. But it is also important to look at the prices of the services and packages that are available so that it is simple to calculate the value that is achievable via adoption.

Infrastructure Elements

By working with a partner and endowing their services with your company’s branding, you will be putting a lot of trust in a third party, since they are effectively representing you directly, and if outages occur or errors arise, it will be your reputation that bears the brunt of the repercussions.

Make sure that a partner not only operates UK data centres but that they also have services which are properly secured both physically and digitally, along with the ability to provide continuity by replicating information across multiple servers so that hardware failures do not lead to data loss.


While it may not always be a priority during the procurement process, the availability of support services will become important as soon as you start using a cloud partner’s solutions. Check the types of support on offer, whether online or over the phone, and also look for packages that allow support for clients to be outsourced.

By carefully considering and assessing your needs, it should be possible to use these factors to find the best possible cloud partner for your business.