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Disk to disk to cloud backup

If you’ve been looking for Cloud Backup Service also known as BaaS (Backup as a Service) you may have also come across D2D2C.

D2D2C stands for Disk-to-Disk-to-Cloud and gives you a local backup as well as a cloud backup. It uses a local storage device like a USB drive or a NAS Device to spool the backup too, this then uploads to the cloud . Some systems will remove the local stored backup after it’s transferred to the cloud, others will keep the last backup so you have a local recovery for faster restores.

Both of our cloud backup products can / will use D2D2C. With our File Backup Client, it’s an option you can select, but with our Bare Metal product you must have local backup. This enables fast local file / folder restores as well as Virtual Boot where you can boot a backup file into a live system within minutes!