UK BASED CLOUD BACKUP Secure . Fully Managed . UK Telephone Support

Our Main Security Features

Security of your data is critical and should take the highest priority to you and your backup and disaster recovery systems. Here at Safe Data Storage we ensure that your data remains yours and can only be accessed by you.

File Encryption

All data is AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 256-bit encrypted from point of collection from your PC/Server . We maintain that encryption in flight and while stored ‘at rest’ in our data centres. All communications between our backup server and your computer are transported in a 129-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) channel.

Data Protection

Safe Data Storage is fully compliant with the Data Protection Act and is currently registered with the ICO. We will be GDPRcompliant in May 2018.

ISO Accreditation

Safe Data Storage is certified in both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001, internationally recognised standards in quality and information security; ensuring that we are committed in providing a secure, quality service to our customers.

Data Centres

We use two UK, ISO 27001 certified, Data Centres. City Reach, London, hosts our primary data store, and we then replicate to our second data store, County Gates in Bournemouth.

  Primary SiteCity Reach London Replication SiteCounty Gates Bournemouth
Tier 2 Rating    
Power - Minimum N+1UPS    
Cooling – Minimum N+1AC    
Backup Power – 24 Hour on site fuel    
Rack – PDU – Diverse A+B PDU’s    
Fire Suppression – VESDA Protection    
Entry System – Card and Pin Entry    
Access Procedure – Photo ID required    
Remote Hands On Support